Fabric on Onehunga Stage 2

Fabric on Onehunga Stage 2

Product Used


Project Type

Apartment Basement



Mid Construction

The Fabric on Onehunga development is nestled in the heart of Onehunga, offering residents a convenient home close to essential amenities, hospitality, and retail outlets. The visually striking architectural design of the apartments has used AFS Rediwall as the basement walls, chosen for its fast and efficient installation and the ability to meet compliance easily. 

Given the preference for concrete in the basement to address compliance requirements, AFS Rediwall seemed the obvious choice. With the successful installation in previous stages of the development, the architect, builder, and developer were confident that Rediwall would meet their needs for compliance, speed, and waterproofing performance.

It was arranged for the builder on site, Kalmar Construction, to install the Rediwall as the basement walls themselves, as their experienced concrete construction team was already familiar with installing Rediwall.

AFS Rediwall Applications

  • Basement Walls

Products Used

PVC permanent formwork for below-ground and selected above-ground construction applications.