Olive Estate Retirement Village

Olive Estate Retirement Village

AFS Rediwall is getting installed for an intertenancy wall on an aged care development by a 2 man team.

Product Used

Logicwall and Rediwall

Project Type

Retirement Village



In Construction

Olive Estate is a retirement village in Richmond, offering scenic views over the mountains. AFS had the pleasure of supplying and installing Logicwall and Rediwall systems for the intertenancy walls in the terraced housing units. Having previously worked with Scott Construction on past projects, it was a straightforward decision to choose our productive walling systems once again to increase the speed of construction further.

The choice of Logicwall and Rediwall provided a highly productive solution on-site, ensuring the construction process was quick and efficient. Working alongside Scott Construction, Weir Architecture, and Tasman Consulting Engineer, AFS successfully contributed to installing Logicwall and Rediwall for the intertenancy walls across multiple stages.

AFS Logicwall and Rediwall Applications

Watch Rediwall Installation Timelapse

Products Used

Logicwall intertenancy wall

Fibre cement permanent formwork for above-ground intertenancy wall applications.

PVC permanent formwork for below-ground and selected above-ground construction applications.

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